Chat with us!
We are currently only on Discord. Please review the rules in the server once you join. The rules are presented on this page as well, so you can decide if you want to join.
- Do not disrespect others
- You can use foul language but not too extensively
- Do not talk about triggering subjects
- Try to be friendly to others
- Advertisements of other servers is allowed only if an admin says so
- Do not promote self-harm in any circumstance
- Do not spread misinformation on purpose
- Admins are allowed to mute, deafen, kick or ban members if they seem it necessary;
but if you find any signs that an admin is abusing their powers please @ me and I will sort out the situation - Do not ping unnecessarily
- Try to keep conversations in the right channels
- Please censor triggers
- Play 1 song at a time in music not a playlist
- You must be 17 or up